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Raw Vegetables

“One Man's Food is another Man's Poison"
Lucretius 99-55 BC

My Mission

At Practical Preventative Health, I specialize in nutrigenomics, a personalized approach to health and nutrition based on your unique genetic makeup. But I don't just stop at genetics - I also take into consideration your overall well-being and specific dietary concerns to create a personalized plan that optimizes your health. With a thorough health assessment, I can help you identify dietary issues such as gluten, yeast, oxalates or others, and work with you to create a customized eating plan that makes you feel better and more energized.

Smiling nutritionist in her office, she is showing healthy vegetables and fruits, healthca

Welcome to Nutrigenomix

  • Comprehensive genetic test consisting of 70 genetic markers​ 

  • Developed by world-renowned researchers.

  • Types of Tests: Health, Sport, Fertility, Plant Based, Hormone metabolism and methylation

  • Genetic tests are based on the most robust scientific evidence

  • ​DNA is analyzed using a saliva sample or cheek swab 

  • Personalized recommendations developed based on your unique genetic profile.

  • Contact me today to get started!



About Me 


My name is Dr. Jenny.

I am a Board Certified Functional, Traditional Doctor of Naturopathy. My story began at a young age, when I changed my diet and saw how quickly my body and health transformed. My skin was clearer, I lost weight and my health and energy were regenerated. I realized the power of food and nutrients and how I had the power to control my health. Later in my life I was able to find genetic mutations that saved me from dealing with a future health crisis. I also found a serious vitamin deficiency that diagnosed me with pernicious anemia, a life threatining illness if not treated. I realized that eating is personal and following popular diets is not always practical nor healthy for many individuals. I also discovered that keeping up certain nutrients is detrimental to health. Nutrigenomics is one tool I utilize to optimize personal eating plans to help you jumpstart your wellbeing and help prevent future health problems tomorrow.

Are you ready to make necessary changes to optimize your health and energy? 

What are you waiting for?

Schedule a discovery call today!

Welcome to Practical Preventative Health, where I believe that personalized nutrition is the key to optimal health and wellness. Our Bioindividual Nutrition and Genetics program harnesses the power of nutrigenomics to unlock your genetic potential and create a nutrition and lifestyle plan that is tailored to your unique needs. We specialize in helping individuals with health problems related to gluten, yeast, oxalates, food sensitivities, and more. Contact me today to learn how I can help you achieve optimal health through personalized nutrition.

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